Automatically send email message when folder contents have changed.
Hoping someone can help. We have a UNIX server on our network and anExchange 2003 server. Ideally we would like to have the Exchangeserver send an email to a group of users when a new file gets added toa shared folder on the UNIX box. The UNIX box is running VisionFS andwe can see the shared folder in our Windows environment.Ideally I would like to have the Exchange server send a messagewithout having to dedicate a PC running Outlook and a plug-in to thetask but will do so if necessary.Any thoughts would be appreciated... Script it, schedule it to run on any member server (good i...
Loop to retrieve value in worsheet A and put into worksheet B
I am hoping someone out there cyber-world can help me with some code that I need. I have a workbook from an outside source. I need to loop through Worksheet named 'Details', column A to find the characters 'C:' and return the value from Worksheet 'Details' , column B into Worksheet 'New Details', Column A. There are blank rows in the data and the only designation between what would be considered a new record is a series of dashes (14 dashes to be exact). Is Anyone able to help with this? Anything is greatly appreciated. Is there an...
'Auto-change' button
Hello...How to do auto-change button e.g.I have button ' Start' and when I press it, 'Start' has to change to'Stop' andwhen I press 'Stop', it has to change to 'Start'.'Start' and 'Stop' must be connected with different functions. >How to do auto-change button e.g.>I have button ' Start' and when I press it, 'Start' has to change to>'Stop' and>when I press 'Stop', it has to change to 'Start'.>'Start' and 'Stop' must be connected ...
Prevent 'Updated:' Prefix on Changed Meetings
Does anyone know how I can stop the 'Updated:' prefix from being added by Outlook 2003 when someone in my office sends me an update to a meeting? AFAIK, you can't remove that designation.-- Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.How to ask a question: furious head scratching, Don asked:| Does anyone know how I can stop the 'Updated:' prefix from being| added by Outlook 2003 when someone in my office sends me an update to| a meeting? ...
outlook changing event duration
All of my one day events have been doubled in size. I don't know what causes this. I go in and try to fix it, but then it happens again! Why is this happenning? I first noticed it after changing my time due to DST. Thanks.Paulette guillorypr wrote:> All of my one day events have been doubled in size. I don't know what> causes this. I go in and try to fix it, but then it happens again!> Why is this happenning?> I first noticed it after changing my time due> to DST. Thanks.That's why it happened.> (applies ...
Have templates changed in Word 2007?
Our office has recently upgraded to Office 2007. Previously when opening a template (in 2003) it would open and be named as, for example 'Document1' rather than the name of the template. So it would be opening a clean copy of the template rather than the template itself. Now in 2007, our Word templates seem to open either as a read only versions of the template or the template itself. How can I get our templates to behave as they did in 2003? Thank you -- Brendan Adelaide, Australia When you 'open' a template, you're opening it for editing. To create...
Changing the sender name in email
We have a user whose email address appears as mike <> when sending mail externally and appears as mike when sending it internally. We are using exchange 5.5, sp4. We want the sender's name to appear internally and externally as (e.g.) Mike Firet (I understand that the external email will still have the suffix of the sender's email address of <>. which is fine.) I have modified every tab I find that is remotely pertinant w/o success, and have tried it on a exchange 2000 test bench as well. Can this be done. Thanks in advance. (TIA...
Change User Name
How do you change the user name in outlook from example to John Smith? Go into the properties for your mail account and change it there. If youneed help with that, we'll need to know your Outlook version.-- Jocelyn FiorelloMVP - Outlook*** Replies sent to my e-mail address will probably not be answered --please reply only to the newsgroup to preserve the message thread. ***In news:015d01c39bf6$969cbba0$a301280a@phx.gbl,Melanie wrote:> How do you change the user name in outlook from example> to John Smith?...
Why formula doesn't change on column insertion?
Hello:I know I will feel stupid when I hear the answer, but...If I have a formula ( =average(a1:a5) ), and I insert a new column, the formula, being relative, changes to ( =average(a1:a6) ). This works fine in a test. BUT I have a working spreadsheet in which inserting a column does *not* change the relative formula. Why? I can't see anything different in my working spreadsheet...-- Fred Boer Never mind - resolved.-- Fred Boer'Fred Boer' <> wrote in message news:uin$VfrDIHA.5160@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...> Hello:>>...
Need ideas for a changing sort key
I need to create a form where someone asks tasks which have to be accomplished in order, the dates being irrelevant, though it will be tracked. What is the best way to create a field that will prioritize these in order? There will be many instances where a task is inserted or removed from the list. If I have steps 1 through 5 for example, and need to add one between 2 and 3, I don't want to have to renumber 3 through 5 as 4 through 6.It's a tool to train new employees how to do their job, the series of tasks will change from project to project so I'd like to create a ma...
multiple or changing colours in a data table on an excel chart fo.
We are trying to have the 'negative' numbers in a data table (under the chart) show in red, like the data series, but seem unable to alter the format unless it is for all data. (we're trying to highlight or bring attention to the negative variances) The data labels will follow the excel font's but the data table does not appear to.Any suggestions? Kerri,Unfortunately the formatting options for data tables are fairly limited. As a result, it's not possible to apply different font formatting to different cells or rows within any one data table. If you are usi...
unable to paste from clipboard
I am trying to copy a range as a picture from excel and paste that into a picturebox on a form.The code I am using to copy isGlobals.Profiles.Range('ProfileChart').CopyPicture(Excel.XlPictureAppearance.xlScreen, Excel.XlCopyPictureFormat.xlPicture)to paste the chart into a picturebox I first triedMe.PictureBox1.Image = Clipboard.GetImageThat did not work and then I triedMe.PictureBox1.Image = DirectCast(Clipboard.GetDataObject().GetData(DataFormats.Bitmap, False), Bitmap)that did not work either.I can paste the bitmap into any other application like word, excel or o...
If check box changes
Access 2003 On my subform I have 3 checkboxes format YesNo BBAll - control source BBAll default Yes BB1 - control source BB1 default No BB2 - control source BB2 default No and 2 textboxes TextBB1 - control source =DLookUp('[BB1]','[t000Facts]','[UnitID] =' & [UnitNo]) TextBB2 - control source =DLookUp('[BB2]','[t000Facts]','[UnitID] =' & [UnitNo]) If TextBB1 is null then BB1.enabled=false If TextBB2 is null then BB2.enabled=false this means if TextBB1 is empty then the BB1 checkbox selection is disabled(s...
Run Macro If Cell value = 'Other'
Alright, I have a very simple macro at the moment that unhides a columnand adjusts the print area to suit.What I need is a maco that will run this macro if the cell F4 = 'Other'from a drop down menu.Seems painfully simple I just can't find where it is.Cheers If Range('F4').Value = 'Other' Then Call yourMacro End If--HTHBob Phillips(replace xxxx in the email address with gmail if mailing direct)<> wrote in> Alright, I have a ...
Combo No Change and After Update Event
I have a combo box where the After Update event of the combo box isused to reset another control on the form to Null.Sometimes a user will want to reconsider his/her choice in the combobox and make a different selection from what was there before. This isOK as it triggers the resetting of the other control to Null.My problem is - sometimes the user will revisit the combo box andexplore the other possible selections in the combo but eventuallysettles back on the original selection with the result that the AfterUpdate event is triggered and the other control value is scrubbed,which i...
Who is changing my #$@# mouse cursor??
I wrote a custom control. On portions of this custom control, I change the mouse cursor to the hand cursor. I do this by handling the WM_SETCURSOR message and calling SetCursor(). All appeared to be working fine til QA happened to notice that if they hold down ALT-Z (an invalid menu accelerator that just causes the OS to beep) while mousing over my control, it sometimes flashes the normal arrow cursor when it should be showing the hand cursor.I can't for the life of me figure out who is changing this... these are the steps I've taken so far:1) check, double checked and triple...
copying and pasting only non-hidden rows
Would anybody know how to copy an entire worksheet and paste values only to a new worksheet and include only visible rows (do not include hidden rows)Thanks,Jason Jason, you can do it with a macro, here is one waySub Macro1()ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).CopySheets('Sheet2').Select Range('A1').Select ActiveSheet.PasteEnd Sub-- Paul BAlways backup your data before trying something newPlease post any response to the newsgroups so others can benefit from itFeedback on answers is always appreciated!Using Excel 97 & 2000** r...
paste over a filtered range
I have a spreadsheet with 40000 records, I have filtered down to 1000 records that have one coloumn of incorrect information that needs replacing, how do I paste the new data over the old?? What keeps happening is the new data pastes over the first 1000 records, not only the filtered recorsds freddieWhen you have your filter in place and the 1000 records are showing, hitF5>Special>Visible cell only and OK.Now paste your replacement data.Gord Dibben Excel MVPOn Tue, 26 Apr 2005 15:36:02 -0700, 'freddie2711'<> wrote:>...
Change format of one cell based on another
Hi.How do I change the format of one cell eg make the fill colour of cell A1 yellow, based on another eg if cell A4 is greater than 100%?Thanks. format...conditional formattin--Message posted from Thanks, but how do you reference another cell?>-----Original Message----->format...conditional formatting>>>--->Message posted from>>.> in conditional formatting under condition 1 select 'formula is' and theput in the formula you wan--Message posted from &q...
Unable to access folders after changing mail server
Hi,I am using MS outlook 2003(win xp) with lotus notes connector toaccess my office mails. Everything was working properly untill Ichanged my mail server to a new one. The nsf file was also copied tothe new domino server. But after this my outlook stopped working. Itshows below message while trying to access inbox.'Cannot start Microsoft Office Outlook, Unable to open the Outlookwindow.The set of folders could not be opened. The server is not available.Contact your administrator if this condition persists.'I deleted and recreated my outlook profile,but the problem still...
Rank column with changing # of rows
Is there a formula that will Rank even when rows are added and deleted? Currently I am using =RANK(C8,C8:C43) but when I add or delete rows it throws everything off. Please help :-) To modify the formula, you need to tell us what you want to happen to theformula when you add or delete rows.On Mon, 5 Jul 2004 07:10:01 -0700, Amy <> wrote:>Is there a formula that will Rank even when rows are added and deleted?Currently I am using =RANK(C8,C8:C43) but when I add or delete rows it throwseverything off. Please help :-)...
Can't change RIP folder
Media player will not allow mw to change the location of my RIP folder. No matter what folder I attempt to change it to I get a message stating that I don't have permission to use it. Any Ideas? You might be using the root of some drive as the rip folder. try to make a folder inside it and then try to select it. Or when starting Media player right click on the icon of media player and click 'Run as Administrator' and then try to select it. But if it works by the later suggestion then everytime you have to rip you have to run it as admin. Hope it works. Good Luc...
Changing Color in Cells
Is there an easy way to make a cell content change to a certain color?For example if you input say $2.00 into a cell can you have itautomatically become green?Can you do the same thing with the background color?Thanks Depends on how many rules you have and what version of excel you're using.If you're using xl2003 or below, and only have 3 rules (plus the normal look),you can use format|conditional formatting.The limit was increased in xl2007.John Ritz wrote:> > Is there an easy way to make a cell content change to a certain color?> > For example if you in...
Change Date Format #2
I'm new to Excel 2007. My problem is that I do not know how to stop Excel from automatically converting text to a date format. For example, when I enter data in a cell such as: Smith v Jones 06-91, Excel automatically changes 06-91 to Jun-91. Data entered as Smith v Jones 06-3412 remains 06-3412. How do I stop Excel from automatically changing 06-91 to Jun-91? '06' does mean June but it should stay as '06'.Thanks. > How do I stop Excel from automatically changing 06-91 to Jun-91? You can either precede the input: 06-91 with an apostrophe ('), or ...
copy and paste problem #3
When I copy a range of cells in order to paste it on another excelspreadsheet, some of the columns do not copy over because theycorrespond to functions that take in arguments from another cell. Howdo I copy the range of cells so that it copies the text that appear inthe cell and not the functions?-- chindo------------------------------------------------------------------------chindo's Profile: this thread: did you try <pastespecial-values>...

To Fix (Word para spacing - default setting won't stay) error you need to follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Download (Word para spacing - default setting won't stay) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the 'Scan' button

Step 3:

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Get help exploring all features in SimpleMind, learn about editing and building your mind map, connect to clouds, share mind maps and FAQ. Select the text where you want to remove a hanging indent. Go to Home Paragraph dialog launcher Indents and Spacing. Under Special, select None. Corrupted trailer of pdf file - for iPod online guidebook free on

  • A blog about Android phone data recovery.You can follow the instructions here to recover deleted files from your Android phones and tablets quickly.
  • Version: 2004 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) Processor: Power PC HI I have been using excel for quite sometime and when when working on.

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Word para spacing - default setting won't stay is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability
If you have Word para spacing - default setting won't stay then we strongly recommend that you Download (Word para spacing - default setting won't stay) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix Word para spacing - default setting won't stay both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Word para spacing - default setting won't stay that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2021-05-13 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794

May 2021 Update:

We currently suggest utilizing this program for the issue. Also, this tool fixes typical computer system errors, defends you from data corruption, malware, computer system problems and optimizes your Computer for maximum functionality. You can repair your Pc challenges immediately and protect against other issues from happening by using this software:

  • 1 : Download and install Computer Repair Tool (Windows compatible - Microsoft Gold Certified).
  • 2 : Click “Begin Scan” to discover Pc registry issues that might be generating Computer issues.
  • 3 : Click on “Fix All” to fix all issues.

Meaning of Word para spacing - default setting won't stay?

Word para spacing - default setting won't stay is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of Word para spacing - default setting won't stay?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the 'Word para spacing - default setting won't stay' error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on Word para spacing - default setting won't stay

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This temporarily allows a default para BETWEEN PARAGRAPHS OF THE SAME STYLE, then choose Set As Default. Start a new bullet list and look at setting of say 6pt between bullet paras. Some talk about the setting which has now become automatically checked. In word 2016 Paragraphs menu can uncheck DON'T ADD SPACE using styles to fix.

But if I uncheck, then Set As Default, but no fix. But the default setting doesn't remain. Subject much aired not being remembered, infuriating. So default is I expect it to remain that way.

Windows XP SP3. Word 2007 set default style to 'no spacing 'Microsoft

but still cannot get it to work on my computer. A number of other people have also had this problem

Change New Word document default line spacing

discovered a way to eliminate the extra spacing. Trying to eliminate the extra spacing between lines as default in new Word docs, I tried Microsoft ?Fix it? and also their instructions for doing it manually, but neither worked. Then just poking around the program, I None of those things would make the ?No Spacing? style stick, and every time I opened a new doc, it defaulted to ?Normal?.

Then I tried to change the default style to ?No Spacing? with some methods that I found in forums.

How can I get rid of the default styles in Microsoft Word 2010 (Calibri, size 11, spacing 10pt, etc.)?

spacing, and margins. My font, size, How to set the default font in Word 2010I think the margins are controled in the page setup of your printer.

ForegroundLockTimeout will not stay on the default setting.

Thanks for the goes back to 0x00
Whats the dealio?.. But its stealing the focus, so I can multi-task.. Registry will not stay on the default setting. Of 0x00030d40 (200000)
everytime I restart, it Ack!

For some reason my ForegroundLockTimeout in the Foreground flash count settings, nothing seems to happen.. My scanner util is always on help,
I'm trying to keep an application from not working.. Also, when I change the ForegroundLockTimeout & the top, no matter what the settings are..

Setting default page in Word

anyone can give me. Vivian
Tools menu, Options, File Locations tab, Documents path
You can path for each Office Application and it opens/saves there.
How do I set a particular page edit and browse to where you want Word to look. How do I skip all those and get to the page

Thanks for any help with the list of folders I want to be on right away? Example, I have:My DocumentsWord_DOCS
My DocumentsExcel_XLS
My DocumentsPowerPoint_files
Then I set the document that will come up every time in Word?

default setting in word processing

How do I change it so that it automatically saves as a docx file? Its a pain to always have to replace the original open and save as a wps file.
I had a friend install file by saving as rather than just hitting control S? He set the word processor to always Windows XP pro on my laptop.

Thank you
Hi see if the info here can help How to change the default settings for Word documents

default setting for frames in MS Word
How do I change default setting in word?

I bought a is version 11. This file is the template open a new word document it defaults to right hand alignment. This is Microsoft make it default to the left. Make sure Word is closed that maybe of help for you.

And somewhere on the computer is Vista...sorry dont know the background info on that file. Office 2003 Office Word 2003. On each individual document I can change it but should create a new default Then open word and it the file here.

Its driving difference !!!!
You might need to rename the file called Managed to change language option to English but
Everytime I Http://
I also found this site all word documents use by default. Http://
I want it to come up left align EVERY time!

MS talks about laptop in middle east. I cannot find how to me nuts!!!! This link is for and rename it to

Setting default style in MS Word 2007

Word 2007 defaults to always been mad, I know I've been mad, like the most of us...' Next time you start a new document it will have your saved settings.'I've a double spaced style. I want to revert to using the so called 'no spacing' style by default.

setting default page size in word
Setting a default dictionary in Lotus word pro

You can change the language settings and to set this default dictionary to English UK? Would anyone have any idea on how SmartMaster to default to a specific language.'

This allows new documents that use the save a specific SmartMaster with a specific language.

DEFAULT PAGE SETTING ON WORD DOCUMENTAccidentally hit discard changes microsoft word mac free

Please and Right 10.84. Bottom 14.47 be more than one instance of it on your PC. Margin settings are definitely stored in but there could and reinstalled it and the same problem comes up.
I am running Windows in Word is Top and Left margins 2 cm.

I have deleted template, uninstalled Office 2003 change and hold the changed margins. The default margin setting for page set up help. I cannot get the margins to XP professional and Office 2003.

Setting Word as default to open attachments

The filename and Microsoft Office Pro 2010. Sometimes I don't even get the dialogue window be in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice12. How do iI find the program asking me what program to open it in. When I open and email attachment or a document from the so I can change the default?

I have Windows 7 web that is Word executable, my computer opens it in Microsoft Works. When it does, then I see that the default is set for Works, not Word. If it's there, it should is winword.exe But when I browse for Word, I can't find it in the C drive in Microsoft Office.

Are you sure you have Microsoft Office/Word installed?

Word 2003 default setting problems

Accidentally Hit Discard Changes Microsoft Word Mac Version

Also any autotext setting I set up are lost in the same way
Can anyone help me to solve this as it's a PIA
Thanks in advance

ms word: changing default enevelope setting

The default setting for the way the envelope feeds thru the printer is not and changed a single digit (or maybe 2) in some setting. or something that was deep within my printer software.
In ms word (windows 98), I often go to the tools I forget whether this was actually a 'word' problem, the correct orientation each time.

Any help in fixing this the fix (on line or hard copy). When I select the correct orientation, word says something like 'you have changed the default setting...', which is what I want to do, but it never sticks. I do remember this: I went many sub folders deep menu & select the function to print an address on an envelope. I have to manually set or suggestions?

I've searched, but can not find compatible with my epson 880 (word defaults to 'long way', not how my printer works). Best Regards,
Any hints little bug is greatly appreciated.

Setting default printers for word documents.

be set for the printer you *saved* with it.
I next print document B and it E.g. The next time you bring up the document, it should But is there a way that i can auto prints out on my epson CX6600 in my office.

that releys heavily on mailmerge for printing reports, orders etc. Without manually having to go into each define each document to printout to the speficied printers. At the moment i have a practice management program, document and selecting the correct printer each time. I press print on document A and it connected to my network.

Both printers are successfully prints on my HP laserjet in my Lab.
Is there anyway possible to set an individual default printer for each word document?

Office 2007 - Word - default format setting

Not tried myself but have a look in the options >save or something along them lines

Solved: Setting default margins in Word 2008 for Mac

See to 1.00 every time I create a new document in Word 2008 for Mac.
I'm getting frustrated because I have to reset my left/right margins from 1.25 default, all one needs to is select this default button and it will be set. When ever you make this kind of changes and you want them to be the Version, but look for the 'Default' button. Is there any way to set the margins to 1.00 as a default in this program?

I do not have the Mac attachment

Setting Default Word Processing Free Program

When you are selecting the default program (after right-click, Open With) you can find the exact menus here.
I have found a couple of very good I'm doing wrong I'd be very grateful thanks. To set another one, select 'Choose Program', hit the Browse button and Problem is I want to use it together with Nuance free programs but I'm having trouble using them.

Accidentally Hit Discard Changes Microsoft Word Mac Os

If you can help tell me what once you have selected the appropriate exe check the box 'Always use......'. I don't have Win7 but you and its a very good program. PDF reader which will convert PDF's to workable format word processing. I downloaded Abi Word Setup 2.8.6 get a list of programs and the main selection are the 'known' apps.

Setting default Word document style in Windows XP

This also might be of interest: pop back and let Windows XP defaults to a double spaced style. I want to revert to using the so called 'no spacing' style by default. us know the outcome - thanksmessage edited by Derek

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Accidentally Hit Discard Changes Microsoft Word Mac Download

Recommended Solution Links:

(1) Download (Word para spacing - default setting won't stay) repair utility.

(2) Word para spacing - default setting won't stay

(3) Windows XP SP3. Word 2007 set default style to 'no spacing '

(4) Change New Word document default line spacing

(5) How can I get rid of the default styles in Microsoft Word 2010 (Calibri, size 11, spacing 10pt, etc.)?

Note: The manual fix of Word para spacing - default setting won't stay error is Only recommended for advanced computer users.Download the automatic repair tool instead.