1. Best Web Browser Best Web Scraping Tools
  2. Best Web Scraping Tool

Puppeteer is one of the best web scraping tools you can use as a JavaScript developer. It is a browser automation tool and provides a high-level API for controlling Chrome. Puppeteer was developed by Google and meant for only the Chrome browser and other Chromium browsers. Web Scraping (also termed Screen Scraping, Web Data Extraction, Web Harvesting etc.) is a technique employed to extract large amounts of data from websites whereby the data is extracted and saved to a local file in your computer or to a database in table (spreadsheet) format. Data displayed by most websites can only be viewed using a web browser. It is a desktop tool which has access for platforms like Mac, Windows, Saas, Cloud, Web, etc., Parse Hub is a scraper tool helps in scraping websites. It was founded in the year 2013 and is located in Canada. This tool has both Free trial pack and paid pack as well. It can scrape any interactive website. Web scraping tools are a great alternative to extract data from web pages. In this post, we will share with you the most popular web scraping tools to extract data. With these automated data.

Best Web Browser Best Web Scraping Tool

Data extraction has many forms and can be complicated. From Preventing your IP from getting banned to bypassing the captchas, to parsing the source correctly, headless chrome for javascript rendering, data cleaning, and then generating the data in a usable format, there is a lot of effort that goes in. By the way, if you wonder whether search engines can parse and understand the content rendered by Javascript, check out this article

Clients of 2captcha service are faced with wide variety of tasks, from parsing data from small sites to collecting large amounts of information from large resources or search engines. To automate and simplify this work, there are a large number of services integrated with 2captcha, but it is not so easy to understand this variety and pick optimal solution for specific task.

Best Web Browser Best Web Scraping Tools

With the help of our customers we have studied popular services for data parsing and compiled for you the top 10 most convenient and flexible of them. Since this list includes wide range of solutions from open source projects to hosted SAAS solutions to desktop software, there is sure to be something for everyone looking to make use of web data!


It is a very high-end web scraping tool that provides millions of proxies for scraping. It offers data scraping services with capabilities like rendering JavaScript & bypassing captchas. Scrapingdog offers two kinds of solutions:

  1. Software is built for users with less technical knowledge. As you can see in the above image that you can manually adjust almost anything from rendering JavaScript to handling premium proxies. This software also provides structured data in JSON format if you specify particular tags & attributes of the data you are trying to scrape.
  2. API is built for developers. You will be able to scrape websites by just mentioning queries inside the API URI. You can read it’s documentation here.


MyDataProvider is a brilliant solution for e-commerce companies to manage their information. It's specifically designed for e-commerce data extraction:

  • categories and hierarhy
  • products prices, quantities
  • sales price, whosales price, discount price
  • features
  • options
  • variants with related images, prices, quntities

And also proposes convenient options for export collected data in csv, excel, json and xml format, as well as direct export to online store like shopify, woocommerce, prestashop etc.

Service provides an ability to apply margin rules for prices, which makes it universal and complete solution for e-commerce sector.

As a pros there are also ability to scrape data behind a login page, to calculate the delivery of goods from one country to another, to collect data from various locations, to scrape non-English websites etc.


Octoparse is the tool for those who either hate coding or have no idea of it. It features a point and clicks screen scraper, allowing users to scrape behind login forms, fills in forms, input search terms, scrolls through the infinite scroll, renders javascript, and more. It provides a FREE pack with which you can build up to 10 crawlers.


The nice thing about ParseHub is that it works on multiple platforms including mac however the software is not as robust as the others with a tricky user interface that could be better streamlined. Well, I must say it is dead simple to use and exports JSON or excel sheet of the data you are interested in by just clicking on it. It offers a free pack where you can scrape 200 pages in just 40 minutes.


Diffbot has been transitioning away from a traditional web scraping tool to selling prefinished lists also known as their knowledge graph. There are pricing is competitive and their support team is very helpful, but oftentimes the data output is a bit convoluted. I must say that Diffbot is the most different type of scraping tool. Even if the HTML code of the page changes this tool will not stop impressing you. It is just a bit pricy.


They grew very quickly with a free version and a promise that the software would always be free. Today they no longer offer a free version and that caused their popularity to wain. Looking at the reviews at capterra.com they have the lowest reviews in the data extraction category for this top 10 list. Most of the complaints are about support and service. They are starting to move from a pure web scraping platform into a scraping and data wrangling operation. They might be making a last-ditch move to survive.


Scrapinghub claims that they transform websites into usable data with industry-leading technology. Their solutions are “Data on Demand“ for big and small scraping projects with precise and reliable data feeds at very fast rates. They offer lead data extraction and have a team of web scraping engineers. They also offer IP Proxy management scrape data quickly.


Mozenda offers two different kinds of web scrapers. Downloadable software that allows you to build agents and runs on the cloud, and A managed solution where they make the agents for you. They do not offer a free version of the software.


WebHarvy is an interesting company they showed up a highly used scraping tool, but the site looks like a throwback to 2009. This scraping tool is quite cheap and should be considered if you are working on some small projects. Using this tool you can handle logins, signup & even form submissions. You can crawl multiple pages within minutes.



80legs has been around for many years. They have a stable platform and a very fast crawler. The parsing is not the strongest, but if you need a lot of simple queries fast 80legs can deliver. You should be warned that 80legs have been used for DDOS attacks and while the crawler is robust it has taken down many sites in the past. You can even customize the web crawlers to make it suitable for your scrapers. You can customize what data gets scraped and which links are followed from each URL crawled. Enter one or more (up to several thousand) URLs you want to crawl. These are the URLs where the web crawl will start. Links from these URLs will be followed automatically, depending on the settings of your web crawl. 80legs will post results as the web crawl runs. Once the crawl has finished, all of the results will be available, and you can download them to your computer or local environment.

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Web Scraping (also termed Screen Scraping, Web Data Extraction, Web Harvesting etc.) is a technique employed to extract large amounts of data from websites whereby the data is extracted and saved to a local file in your computer or to a database in table (spreadsheet) format.

Data displayed by most websites can only be viewed using a web browser. They do not offer the functionality to save a copy of this data for personal use. The only option then is to manually copy and paste the data - a very tedious job which can take many hours or sometimes days to complete. Web Scraping is the technique of automating this process, so that instead of manually copying the data from websites, the Web Scraping software will perform the same task within a fraction of the time.


Cloud / Web based

For Developers

For Desktop (Windows/Mac)

The following software can be installed in your computer (desktop/laptop) to perform web scraping. The advantages of desktop web scraping software are they are economical compared to cloud solutions and you have full control over the data extracted. Mostly suited for consumers, individuals and small/medium sized businesses.

    OutWit Hub is a Web data extraction software application designed to automatically extract information from online or local resources. It recognizes and grabs links, images, documents, contacts, recurring vocabulary and phrases, RSS feeds and converts structured and unstructured data into formatted tables which can be exported to spreadsheets or databases.

    Website: https://www.outwit.com
    Price: $95 for single user license

    Visual Web Ripper is a powerful web page scraper used to easily extract website data, such as product catalogs, classifieds, financial websites or any other website that contains information which users need.

    Visual Web Ripper can save the extracted content as structured data in databases, spreadsheets, CSV files or as XML. It can extract website data from highly dynamic websites where most other extraction tools would fail. It can process AJAX enabled websites, repeatedly submit forms for all possible input values, and much more.

    Website: http://visualwebripper.com/
    Price: Starting from $349

    WebHarvy is an easy to use, visual web scraping software, with a point and click interface. WebHarvy has powerful features under the hood so that most complex data extraction requirements can also be handled.

    Website: https://www.webharvy.com
    Price: $139 for single user license

    FMiner is an easy to use web data extraction tool that combines best-in-class features with an intuitive visual project design tool. With FMiner, users can quickly master data mining techniques to harvest data from a variety of websites ranging from online product catalogs and real estate classifieds sites to popular search engines and yellow page directories.

    Website: http://www.fminer.com
    Price: Starting from $168

    WebSundew is a complete web data extraction software and services package. This software lets you capture web data with high accuracy, productivity and speed.

    Website: https://websundew.io
    Price: Starting from $99

Cloud - Web Based

Cloud services for web scraping lets you run the web mining operation in their servers. You can access these services using a web browser or a browser extension. The advantage is that the network and processing requirements for web scraping are handled by the cloud. Best suited for enterprise customers since cloud data scraping services offer high volume, high speed data extraction and features like data analysis and APIs. The cost of cloud scraping services are higher compared to desktop web scraping software.

    Octoparse is a SaaS web data platform. You can use Octoparse to scrape web data and turn unstructured or semi-structured data from websites into a structured data set. It also provides ready to use web scraping templates including Amazon, eBay, Twitter, BestBuy, and many others. Octoparse also provides web data service that helps customize scrapers based on your scraping needs.

    Website: https://www.octoparse.com
    Price: Starting from $75/Month, Free plan available

    Import.io is an enterprise level data extraction, integration and automation platform. Import.io enables any organization to gain intelligence, efficiencies, and competitive advantages from the vast amount of data on the web.

    Website: https://www.import.io
    Price: https://www.import.io/standard-plans/

    Mozenda is another enterprise level data scraping platform. Mozenda's platform allows you to collect, structure, publish, analyze and visualize data from various sources.

    Website: https://www.mozenda.com/
    Price: Starting from $250/Month

    Parsehub is a powerful web scraping platform which lets you collect data easily from various websites. Parsehub can be used to scrape data from interactive websites with an easy to use interface, without requiring users to write any code. Parsehub also provides an API to integrate extracted data. Data can also be imported from Google sheets and Tableau.

    Website: https://www.parsehub.com/
    Price: Starting from $149/Month, Free plan available

    ProWebScraper lets you extract data from dynamic websites. Multiple levels of page navigation to scrape various categories within a website is supported. ProWebScraper supports extracting text, links, tables as well as high resolution images from websites. API support is available for developers to access the scraped data.

    Website: https://prowebscraper.com/
    Price: Starting from $40 for 5000 pages

Best Web Scraping Tool

Developers Tools & Libraries

If you are a developer, you can build your own data extraction solution. There are several libraries, tools and APIs which you can use to make development easier. The following are a few of them.

    Beautiful Soup is a Python library which can be used for many projects including web scraping. Beautiful Soup lets you load and parse HTML to scrape data from web pages.

    Website: https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/
    Price: Free

    APIfy lets you turn any website into an API. This lets you access the data displayed by pages within the website just like if the website provided an API. APIfy also supports web automation to automate manual workflows and processes on the web.

    Website: https://apify.com/
    Price: Starting from $49/month. Free plan available.

    ScraperAPI is a proxy API for web scraping. Scraper API handles proxies, browsers and CAPTCHAs so that developers can concentrate on parsing the HTML to get the data which they need.

    Website: https://www.scraperapi.com/
    Price: Starting from $29/month

    ScrapingBee also provides an API for handling headless browsers and proxies so that developers need not worry about these details while scraping data. Running multiple instances of headless browsers which is required while web scraping is a resource intensive operation, and remote websites can block these browsers while continuously accessing their pages to extract data. Both these problems are solved by ScrapingBee.

    Website: https://www.scrapingbee.com/
    Price: Starting from $29/month

    Scrapy is an open source Python framework for extracting data from websites. Scrapy is maintained by Scrapinghub and other contributors. Scrapy scripts can be deployed on Scrapinghub's Scrapy Cloud.

    Website: https://scrapy.org/
    Price: Free

If you wish to include your software, service or tool in this list, or make changes in details listed here please contact us.