Improving CW Reception on the SB-303, Jul 72, 21 2. The Heath SB-303 and CW Reception, May 73, 39 3. CW Sidetone for the SB-301, SB-303 and SB-301, Jul 79, 49 4. A Noise Blanker for the Heath SB-303 Receiver, Sep 79, 45 SB-401 80-10 Meter Transmitter 1. Connect the SB-303 Receiver's HF antenna input to an antenna and antenna input of another receiver capable of receiving WWV at 2.5 MHz, 5 MHz, or 10 MHz. If this is not possible, a receiver tuned to a standard broadcast station, operating at an even multiple of 100 kHz or 25 kHz, can be used. Turn the SB-303 Receiver's FUNCTION switch to 100. SB-303; Heath Company SB-303. Below you will found our manuals on the Heath Company SB-303. The service manual functions as a repair guide for troubleshooting and sometimes contains tips for refurbishing and modifications. The schematic is a technical drawing or diagram of your system, a perfect supplement to the Service Manual. Complete Transceivc capabilities are available when the Transmitter is used with the Healhkit Model SB-300, SB-SOl, or 83-303 Receiver. The Transmitter can also be used with other receivers by installing the SBA-4014 Crystal Accessory Kit in the Transmitter. This Transmitter is compatible with the Heathkit Model SB-200 SSB Linear Amplifier.

CAPE COD, MA WB1U will operate 1400Z Sep. 28th-21002 Sep. 29th. to commemorate Marconi Station's 95th Anniversary. Operation wilf be in the General portions of 15, 20. 40. and Novice portions of 10 and 80 meters (CW and SSB). For a certificate, send an SASE to Ray Hilson. 6 Sherman Place, Norway CT 06851 USA. EE

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Neuer srv die

Coniirtued from page 77

legally end our old music business companies. This doesn't affect 73, other than it'll give me more time lo get on the air and have some fun and lo pursue my work with cold fusion. I enjoyed the music business, but 'Tve been there, done that.' Ten years was more than enough.

I was not surprised b the recent class action suit against ihe six major music companies i five are foreign-owned) for price fixing. But then the whole industry is corrupt, as i've discussed in my past editorials. The big winners are the six majors and big record store chains. The big losers are 98^ of the performers, U)0% of the independent record companies, and 100% of the independent record stores. Capitalism works fine until companies get big enough or work in secret groups to control distribution and prices. Lobbyist payments to Congress keeps the Feds at bay, I've testified al Congressional hearings where it was quite clear that (he committee chairman was safely in the music industry's pocket. The industry people, whom I kneu well. laughed uhout it.

The majors wltc candid. They haled the impact I was hav ing in my efforts to build the market share for independent record companies, but my CD Review vus selling about S30 million of

Continued on page 83 Radio Today - September 1996 79

And all bought at bargain prices!

Shane R Brady WB2WPM 34 Rosewood Drive West Seneca NY 14224

earned my Novice license 22 years ago, after seeing a ham radio demon* straiion as a Boy Seoul some 10 years earlier. Recently married and unable to afford new equipment, when I heard thai a local ham was selling a Heathkil SB-102,1 went for it. That SB-102 and a 40 meter dipole were my introduction to actual QSOs+

I remember looking through the Heathkit catalogs, Irving to imagine a si at ion with all the matching accessories for my SB-102. !'he XYL got me started by giving me the matching SB-630 station console for Christmas, l itis had a 24-hour digital clock, a phone patch, an SWR meter, and a 10-minute timer, all in one. I then added the matching SB-600 station speaker Not a shabby-looking station for a Novice in 1974. The SB* 102 is a 13-tube IIF SSB/CW transceiver. rated at ISO watls input—80 watts more than most of today's radios—running a pair of 6146Bs as finals. Adobe patcher 2021.

When I upgraded to Advanced, the SB-102 got me contacts with UA. ZS. VK, and XX. I added the optional 400 Hz filter for CW, and what i difference that filter made!

Sure. I sold the SB-102 and went on to a solid-state synthesized radio with 100 memories and computer-controlled microprocessors. but I couldn't forgel rn vision: to have a complete line of Heathkit radios and accessories.

Heathkit Sb 303 Manual Pdf

Building the dream

Several years ago I heard about a retired ham with some old gear to sell. That isit changed my shopping habits at ham tests. There was an SB-102 and an SB-200 1 kW amplifier. The SB-200 is still an extremely popular 1 kW amplifier It uses a pair of 572B tubes in parallel for finals. Together the SB-102 and the SB-200 were a popular combination in the late '60s and earlj *70s+ We worked out a great deal; he jusl wanted them to go to a good home and was not interested in the dollars.

Finding the pieces

At a local ham auction* I ran across an SB-610 monitor seopc which also matchcd the famous Heathkit 'SB green line' of equipment. Now I had live matching picces from the SB line. The station was starting to look like the Heathkit catalogs of 20 years ago, I was hooked, I had to have ¿ill the pieces to the Heathkit SB line!

Packet radio is a nice way lo find 'wanted' equipment* and I've had great succcss finding bargains for older equipment. A couple of messages out on

So what do I do with all of this outdated equipment? I have fun with it!'

Photo A, WB2WPFs Heathkit collection. SO 73 Amateur Radio Today • September 1996

Clearing a spot an a side table. 1 made a new home for my old friends, I had kept my SB-600 speaker and SB-630 console; these too joined the new family.

As a Novice in the eariy '70s, it seemed to me that four out of five QSOs were with hams who had Heathkil equipment. Now, in the 1990s. 1 was trying to make contacts like I did 20 years ago, with so-called obsolete equipment.

Does that Heathkit combination still work? You bet it docs! No, il dt^esn't have the 100 memories, and 1 do have to wait a couple of minutes for the lubes to heat up. But what it does very well is make contacts. You're not going to hear signals coming in at less than 0. i i on a crowded band, hut how often are you really under those conditions? Remember, a clean signal from 2(1 years ago still sounds the same as a clean signal from a state-of-the-art transmitter today.

packet and soon I h;id added the SB-650 digital (niie-iubes) frequency display and the SB-620 spectrum analyser, for under S25 each. Yes, the) both worked when I plugged them in. Another packet request and I hau two SB-500 2 meter transverters added to mv collection (at nesxt-Lo-nothing prices). The SB-500 also uses 6146 finals for 50 waLts output for SSB and CW.

The next piece took some ads in the ham classifieds. 1 had only seen one SB-640 in my life, and that was ears ago al Dayton. The SB-640 is a remote YFO that interfaces with the SB line of transceivers for working split frequency.

The hardest piece to locate was the SB-110 6 meter transceiver. Most people hang on u> these '60s vintage rigs, which use 6146 lubes for finals for 180 watts PEP on SSB and 150 watts CW.

Haiiitesis will yield a bumper crop of old tube-type Hatth equipment. I've purchased complete working HP rigs for $20!

I've since added the SB-300 and SB-303 receivers, along with their

Photos by WB2JFP

Photo B WB2WPM at his station.


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Heathkit Sb 301 Manual

Heathkit Sb 303 Manual

Photos by WB2JFP

matching SB-644A remote VFO. All working, and all obtained ai bargain prices.

So what do I do with all of this outdated equipment? I have fun with it! When visitors comc to the shack, most arc in awe of all those dials and gleaming knobs. It's almost a shame to tell them thai, averaged out, I have Jess than $35 per piece invested in this sub-hobhy. That's less than a used state-of-the-art rig!

Am I finished wiih my collecting? No way. There is still an SB-313 shortwave receiver out there waiting for me, the last piece I'm missing for my collection! Besides, I still need more basket eases to combine with other basket cases, to come up with working units. Why do I

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Photo B WB2WPM at his station.

matching SB^tOO and SB-401 transmitters, to the collection. These twins were known as the 'poor-man's Collins.' HW-lOOs and HW-lOls have joined the family as well, along with many green accessories such as wattmeters, phone patches, keyers, and SWR bridges.

No, not everything works when I get it, but in most cases all [hat is required is replacing a tube or two and a quick tune-up. At hamfests there are always boxes of tubes for sale. The average price for a tube is $2, but many times they can be found for only $L

Manuals are worth their weight in gold when working on this older equipment. 1 make copies of all manuals and store them away. Tm even collecting if

When visitors come to the shack, most are in awe of all those dials and gleaming knobs.'

manuals for equipment I don't have yet, just in case I come across it someday. With the manuals, tune-ups are a cinch, as in mosi cases all you need is a known frequency source and a YOM. Heathkif s famous siep-by-step instructions will lead you through complete tune-ups, if need be.

Naturally, I've added Heath's last line of SB equipment to my collection. At another operating position, sits the all-solid-state SB-104A transceiver and its matching SB-604 speaker and power supply, the SB-6I4 monitor scope, and the SB-634 station console and its need more and what am I going ro do with all of these Heaihkit radios? Funny, that's what N2INY, my XYU asks.

ere's the Beam?

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Heathkit Sb 303 Manual

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N4UERating: 2017-07-29
Liked it so much I bought anotherTime Owned: 3 to 6 months.
I collect receivers. Have a LOT, but I was so impressed with the initial SB-303, I bought another.
It came up on eBay for a very low 'buy it now' price. Had the usual 'parts/not working' caveat.
It arrived with the best packing I've seen in many years.
Out of the box it was dead, but as expected of this vintage radio, all it tool was some careful application of DeOxit. The face of the radio looks like the day it was built.
I haven't even gone through the alignment yet, but it works excellent.
If you work on enough of these SB-3XX series, you can get pretty good getting the tuning mechanism working 'ok'..
Not like my Collins radios, but close.
Have fun.
Earlier 5-star review posted by N4UE on 2017-07-06
I've recently been on a Heathkit receiver spree. I purchased a 301, a 300, and just a couple of days ago, I got a 303.
I was kinda wary because of the radio's mixed reviews. Like the 301 and 300, this radio had all three filters, which is a nice touch. This example was well built and the tuning mechanism works perfectly. I had to adjust one of the other receivers, but having been through this (in great pain) with my 75S-3, it was not difficult.
Too sensitive? Yes, it has great sensitivity but I cannot understand why ops don't understand RF Gain and ATTENUATOR.
This example has one issue. The S-Meter is intermittent. A new one is one the way.
BTW, a 'gotcha' that got me. I replace the dial lamps in all my radios with LEDs. I buy them by the 100.
The dial lamps in the 303 are 3 #47s in SERIES.
Back to the bulbs until I come up with a solution...
Great radio and enjoy the hobby.
KI6EQWRating: 2010-01-03
I was surprised!Time Owned: 3 to 6 months.
Purchased on Ebay for a little over $200. Unit was in nice condition with all three filters. Usual cracks on the dial, but minor in nature. Plugged it in, and no signal/volume. Contacted the seller who said it worked when in his possession, but he agreed to split repair costs--an honest seller. Contacted RTO, and away it went for 45 days. Repairs were $95 bucks. LMO needed lubrication, set needed alignment, everything else was OK. Unit came back, and same problems. The description of work by RTO gave me a clue as to the problem, and the tape along the bottom of the RF, and audio boards confirmed it, the two boards had simply wiggled loose during shipping. I reseated them, and voila,the radio was perfect. I was very pleased with its performance, and the addition of a Timewave DSP 9+, made it all the better. Ebay is a mixed bag, and I usually assume there will be something wrong with the piece when it arrives . I stay away from sellers without call signs unless it is a low cost item. Enjoy the SB-303, it is a very nice unit for its time, and fun to use.
WA4AOSRating: 2010-01-03
Almost DecentTime Owned: more than 12 months.
As the last reviewer said, it's basically a nice radio but like all of the SB series, the dial mechanism stinks and that's putting it mildly. Many of the examples I have worked on in recent years often have a crack in the dial if not several and are usually have a crazed background.
In my business, I service mainly R 390, R 390A, R 392 receivers as well as some Drake C lines and Hammarlund HQ 1XX receivers.
I often work on SB gear as well and have been considering for some time redesigning and making available replacement dials for the SB series.
I would probably only make the dial KHz and MHz parts available and would strive to have the same visual effect but a more reliable tuning mech.
There are many SB XXX's still in use and with the interest in vintage gear these days, it might be worth my time and investment to make a kit available. I would be lucky to break even on a project like this but who knows.
I would welcome any comments or feedback with regard to interest in an improved tuning mech.
I consider the SB 300, 301 and 303 to be fairly decent receivers, especially if one becomes aware of the need to reduce the RF gain and not keep it at full throttle all of the time. The sensitivity on all of these receivers is well below a microvolt and in the case of the 301 and 303 below half a microvolt. The audio quality is decent and selectivity fine for non contest type operation. With the CW filter available for the 301 and 303, great CW selectivity is available but with no notch or variable bandwidth adjustment, I would not find either of these to be the best choice for serious contesting in today's high performance receiver markets.
Of course in the 70's an SB 301 0r 303 was considered almost top shelf behind a Drake B or C line or possibly a Collins S line.
There is at least one company that sells a digital display that can be installed in place of the MHz indicator of these units but that really detracts from the vintage look.
Anyway, it would be interesting to see if there is interest in a replacement tuning dial. I would probably go with a simular design but use a CNC brass spiral for the ceter and a dial more like the one used in the HW 101.
In my humble opinion, I actually prefer the dial used in the HW 101. True, it's 5 KHz resolution is not as good as 1Khz but at least it is more consistent in performance and gives very little trouble.
DSM Labs
WA7VTDRating: 2009-09-28
Bad Dial Design Eclipses Fine ReceiverTime Owned: 6 to 12 months.
PREFATORY NOTE: That negativity which I do have about this receiver is the same I harbor for all Heathkits of that vintage: the main dial tuning mechanism SUCKS! Getting it working properly again is quite a pain. I truly loathe that SB tuning mechanism. Why Heathkit kept right on going with that design rather than something new, different and reliable after a few years of undoubtedly receiving a steady stream of complaints, is beyond me.
I have been burned three out of four times procuring SB-303s on e-Bay. The most recent acquisition was described by a prolific e-Bay seller (the one usually claiming to be THE Resident Collins man) as being 'Collector quality!' It arrived with scuffed cabinet, paint flaking off, and 100% slippage of the tuning mechanism.
I managed to cannibalize one along with taking parts from a partial unit (I had bought a 303 chassis without the cabinet but with all the boards for $5 in another auction) and assemble a very cosmetically nice piece with what should have been very good electrical properties.
Unfortunately, the AM filter I pulled from another unit, was defective. The rig worked very well otherwise for about a month, and then died. Thus far I haven't been successful isolating the trouble but haven't put my mind to it yet, having burned myself out on the Heathkit station project after all of the mechanical work on the rig this morning, all because of that &^%$!! tuning dial mechanism!
As with the tuning mechanism, the 303 suffers from the same problem as other SB-series rigs, with regard to the frequency calibration correction indicator. In time, the relatively soft plastic of the movable clear plastic panel inscribed with the vertical calibration correction line simply gets worn down ever so slightly along its edge and ceases to make good and regular contact with the correction control.
When working as per specs and with the *&^%$ tuning dial mechanism working smoothly, the 303 is a really fun ham band receiver that works great with the SB-400 or 401 for separate/slaved operation. Personally, I prefer running them separate (i.e., non-slave but otherwise interconnected for transceive) in order to use the SB-650 digital frequency readout on the 303. You can't use the SB-650 and run the two radios in slave, you must choose one configuration or the other. Also, the 303 as wired per standard instructions, won't support the SB-650 (it will produce a readout, just not one accurate to within several MHz and oddball kHz). Note: you must do a very simple mod on the 303 in order for it to support the SB-650. Plenty of extra RCA jacks are thoughtfully provided on the rear of the 303's chassis for that purpose, and the easy mod (involving generally the mere soldering of some capacitors) is well-described and illustrated in the SB-500 construction manual.
It's a hot receiver! The blocking dynamic range leaves something to be desired but what do you expect given the vintage? It's actually pretty good for its vintage. Set it next to a 75S-1 and you'll see why the Heathkits of this era were known to some as the 'poor man's Collins S-line).The SSB audio is crisp. If it had a notch filter it would really rock. The 1-kHz frequency resolution is, in my experience typically accurate to within 1.5 kHz across the entirety of a particular ham band after a single calibration on that band's lower edge using the 100 kHz/25 kHz crystal calibrator.
The provision of 15 MHz for WWV reception -- useful in calibration, etc. -- is great.
Another thing on the plus side of the ledger: the 303 is super-light. You can tuck it under an arm and take it anywhere that its size isn't a problem.
As of this morning, I now have no working SB-303s. I spent hours getting the main tuning mechanism working well on two of them, and the one with a perfect tuning mechanism stopped working after re-attachment of the cover.
I concur about the extender boards; if you see them, buy them. Otherwise, troubleshooting the various boards is quite difficult.
On the other hand, the various boards -- removed from other 303s -- are not infrequently available cheap. It's pretty easy to isolate most problems to a particular board and then to replace the entire defective board in literally less than a minute.
Also, this is one kit in which the assembler had few opportunities to screw it up. There is little point-to-point wiring.
I would give the 303 a 3 or 4 (taking into account its price class and design in its era of production) but I simply can't do that in view of the unremedied tuning mechanism problems.
So, it's with mixed feelings and regret that I ultimately urge a '2' on this rig solely due to the ubiquitous and notorious dial tuning mechanism
problem (which you might not encounter, though odds are you eventually will)that should have been remedied by Heath. Otherwise, I'd venture a 3 or 4 (it's no SX-115, so not a 5).
If you get your hands on a good one, keep it!
VO1MDSRating: 2006-11-19
Simply the best !!Time Owned: 0 to 3 months.
Well folks,what can i say that wasnt said already??
well for one,this is a great old radio,lots of sensitivity,rock solid frequency stibility,for an analog receiver,this it the most stable analog radio that i have owned to date! now thats saying something,i have owned many,and i mean MANY analog recievers,and nothing that i have owned yet even compeats to the heathkit sb-303. what a great radio,what a great design,what a company.
considering i bought the sb-303 AND the sb-401 for $50.00 i think i got a pretty wild bargin.
all the best folks,have super fun with your sb-303,the best stable analog radio on da go.
KG6UEQRating: 2005-06-11
Beware of this oneTime Owned: 0 to 3 months.
This radio's tuning assembly is prone to slippage. A small drive wheel, if not properly aligned, will slip off the larger wheel connected to the tuning mechanism. If you can be sure the radio you're buying does NOT have this problem, then you may be able to enjoy this vintage set.
W1FPRating: 2005-03-01
advanced for its ageTime Owned: more than 12 months.
My wife bought me this rx on our first xmas together. What better gift could you hope for. After 35 years, it still works fine. Yes, the dynamic range is quite poor, and in line with the devices available at the time. But stability of the LMO is excellent, and sensitivity is great. Yes, there is filter blow-by, but matched up with an SB-400 or SB-401, makes for an attractive vintage solid state pair.
N7EKXRating: 2005-02-11
Best Heathkit Receiver Out ThereTime Owned: 0 to 3 months.
As a Heathkit fanatic, despite repeated warnings from friends, I bought an SB-303 from an eBay auction recently (for $172.00, plus shipping). The specs on its sensitivity were the reason I was ready to 'take the plunge' (and the risk it would arrive DOA). Anyway, the seller was totally honest, and I couldn't be happier. Both the receiver sensitivity and the 'LMO' stability are far better than the SB-104A that I built, and everything about the radio is high quality. Most old radios drift pretty badly after startup, but not this one.. it's rock steady. No tubes, just transistors, FET's and other solid-state circuitry that works as well today as in 1976. There is no backlash in the dial, either. Maybe I just got lucky, but this SB-303 is as sensitive and stable as any analog radio out there, in my opinion!
ON4QJRating: 2004-12-25
Golden classicTime Owned: more than 12 months.
I bought 6 years back an SB-303 receiver,
It looked ok on the outside,When i opened it
it was like a 'warzone',Someone has done a great
job in messing up this radio.
After some months of 'patching up' i had a great receiver,On 40 and 80 the RX is better than with my TS 570DG.
Later i found an SB 401 Transmitter to connect it.
And the SB 610 Station monitor.
It is realy a great Rig to use and is for shure my number one radio!!
Only shame is that we don't find much Heath stuff
in Europe,..
NO9ERating: 2004-05-08
Pretty good after minor modsTime Owned: more than 12 months.
I got one used. Bad intermod on 40m and poor sensititivity on 15-10m but very good AGC and not bad SSB and CW filters. Needed alignment, attenuator for 40m, and post-crystal_filter amplifier for sensitivity. After that, I liked it very much. Sensitivity as good as any on all bands, and a real DX digger on 80m.
Ignacy, NO9E

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